Początek podróży - Warsztat Ashtanga Jogi z Eloisą Iskandar
Yoga Republic, Warszawa
The beginning of the Journey - Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Eloisa Iskandar
Yoga Republic, Warsaw
29. - 30. lipca 2017
29th - 30th of July 2017
Warsztat przeznaczony jest dla osób początkujących i średniozaawansowanych
/ This workshop is dedicated for poeple at beginners and intermediate level
SOBOTA 29. lipca 2017
12.00 - 14.30: Warsztat "Początek Podróży" cz. I
1. Wprowadzenie do Mysore cz. I
2. Czym jest joga:
a. Ciało i Umysł
b. Praktyka
3. Sekwencja końcowa
NIEDZIELA 30. lipca 2017
12.00 - 14.30: Warsztat "Początek Podróży" cz. II
1. Wprowadzenie do Mysore cz. II
2. Jak praktykujemy jogę poza matą:
a. Yamy (nasze działanie względem innych)
b. Niyamy (nasze działanie względem nas samych)
3. Sekwencja końcowa
SATURDAY the 29th of July
12.00 - 14.30: Workshop "The Beginning of the Journey" vol I
1. Intro to Mysore Style I
2. What is yoga:
a. The body and the soul
b. The Practice
3. Closing sequence.
SUNDAY the 30th of July
12.00 - 14.30: Workshop "The Beginning of the Journey "vol II
1. Intro to Mysore Style II
2. How we do yoga outside the of the mat
a. Yamas (our actions to others)
b. Niyamas (our actions to ourselves)
3. Closing sequence.
Many times we feel life can be overwhelming, there are so many things that we want but we can’t get, we can feel dissatisfied with our jobs, personal situations or routines. This are thoughts that the mind bring to us, and there is a point where we can realize that it’s up to ourselves to make a change, and work with determination to start see life from a different perspective, using what we have to build our own happiness. Yoga is a great tool to overcome this kind of situations, it gives us a space to learn how to breath, move and canalize our stress, it allows us to see what we do in order to improve our actions and build a better space to live and develop. It is never to late to start, all you need to do is give the first step to realize that it’s worth it and to keep going.
In this workshop we will explore the path of ashtanga yoga, a practice that adapts to every individual’s need, we will experience the physical aspect of the practice, learning how merge move and breath to focus the mind in a peaceful flow of moving meditation. We will also review a few aspects of yoga that will be helpful to get to know ourselves better and to deal with daily life situations in a more conscious way.
ELOISA ISKANDAR nauczycielka autoryzowana KPJAYI 2. stopnia / ELOISA ISKANDAR authorized teacher KPJAYI level 2
Eloisa was born and raised in Caracas Venezuela, she started to practice ashtanga in 2011 and since then dedicated her life entirely to it, not only to the asanas but to the whole spiritual aspects that it involves. Yoga helped her to become a more centered and focused person, cultivate healthy relationships with her family and friends, having a peaceful routine with less stress and see every part of her life as a whole in order to understand how one thing can affect another allowing her to find more emotional stability and share it with those around her.
Before Yoga, Eloisa was a preschool teacher in a constructivist school where teachers and kids builded the knowledge together by creating meaningful experiences that allowed the kids to apply what they were learning to real life and adapting every activity to their particular needs and interests, that’s why she fell in love with Mysore Style, because it is a place to build a practice which adapts to everyone’s particular need and help them develop and thrive with a personal focus allowing the practice to mold to every person different body and mind.
She has had the amazing opportunity of learning by teaching with very experienced teachers like Laruga Glasser, Przemek Nadoldy, Steve Laphan, Ricardo Martinez. She also assisted Sharath Jois in KPJAYI this year in February. But the most important for her is that she is married to the practice, she does it every morning without excuses, because she’s convinced that to share yoga with other students the most important is to have enough experience which is given by the self practice, this meaning not just the asanas but the practice of having a clean body a clean mind and a healthy lifestyle. Every year the she is in Mysore she assists to Philosophy and chanting classes with Dr. M. Jeyashree and Prof. M. Narasimha in Anatha Research Foundation, thanks to this she learned to see reality in a more clear way and to find peace in the most difficult moments.
In her free time Eloisa loves to cook and share with her friends, write romantic things about her life, watch stand up comedies, go the nature and enjoy a nice view, go for scooter rides and eat peanut butter with dates.
CAŁY WARSZTAT (2 części): 259 zł / 299 zł
rezerwacja do 21. lipca / rezerwacja od 22. lipca (obowiązuje data wpłaty zaliczki)
Ilość miejsc: 18
Rezerwacji można dokonać wpłacając 149 zł gotówką w recepcji lub na konto po uprzednim zapisaniu się na listę uczestników mailem: info@yogarepublic.pl. Zaliczka podlega zwrotowi jedynie, jeżeli zwolnione miejsce zostanie zarezerwowane przez inną osobę. Reszta kwoty płatna gotówką na miejscu przed zajęciami.
WHOLE WORKSHOP (2 parts): 69 EUR / 79 EUR
Reservation until the 21st of July / after 22nd of July (due to the date of payment of the reservation fee)
Number of places: 18
To make a reservation you should first contact us by email: info@yogarepublic.pl. Then after receiving the pre-reservation info, pay 149 zł at the reception desk by cash or by making a transfer to the following account. You can only receive your reservation fee back, if there will be someone else to fill in you place. The rest of the fee should be payed at school before the first class in cash.
ul. Śniadeckich 18 lok. 1
00-656 Warszawa
tel. 790 805 853
e-mail: info@yogarepublic.pl