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Mondays and Wednesdays 19.30
Yoga Republic Śniadeckich 18/1




led by Ela Nadolna
and Peter Podworski

Yoga in English in Warsaw

Yoga in English at Yoga Republic offers the same high-quality, structured practice as in all our classes, the only difference being that the instruction is provided in English. Whether you're new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, you'll find that our teachers guide you with clear, accessible instructions. We focus on proper alignment, breathing techniques, and building strength and flexibility. The sessions include a balance of dynamic movement and mindful relaxation. No prior experience is required, and modifications are offered to suit all levels. Join us to deepen your practice and enjoy the benefits of yoga in a supportive, English-speaking environment.

The rest of the regular classes at Yoga Republic are conducted in Polish, but our teachers speak English and they will give you extra instructions in English if needed. Just let the teacher know before the class, if you do not speak Polish and don't worry it's really easy to follow the group at the led classes and in Mysore style classes, you get individual tips from the teacher anyway.

Stationary class schedule at Yoga Republic

The classes take place at our two locations 5 minutes away from each other: new one plac Zbawiciela 2 and old one ul. Śniadeckich 18/1

Check on the schedule which class is where.

Registration for classes and any changes in the schedule related to holidays or days off, as well as substitutions, can be found in the class calendars. You can attend classes without prior reservation. In case of a lack of available spots, priority will be given to those with a reservation. Reservations are valid until 10 minutes before the start of the class. You can reserve 2 classes in advance and 1 class per day.

How to choose the class?


Our recommendations

0 - open for everyone, no previous experience in yoga needed
1 - for students after the yoga introduction course or after at least 2 month of practice at  Vinyasa Slow Flow, Vinyasa Morning Flow or Lunch Time Yoga
2 - for students after at least 2 month of regular practice at  Ashtanga I
3 - for students after at least 2 month of regular practice at  Ashtanga II


Yoga Fundamentals

Poznaj jogę krok po kroku pod czujnym okiem doświadczonej nauczycielki w małej, kameralnej grupie. Podczas kursu poznasz podstawowe pozycje i poczujesz jak je prawidłowo wykonywać. Dowiesz się jak prawidłowo oddychać, gdzie skierować swój wzrok, co to są bandhy i jak mogą Ci pomóc w praktyce i życiu codziennym. Na każdych zajęciach będziesz mieć okazję, aby zadać nurtujące Cię pytania. 


Vinyasa Morning Flow

Perfect way to start your day : gentle but energetic yoga practice in which you will awake you body and bring peace and balance to your mind.


Vinyasa Slow Flow

Gentle yoga practice in which you will relax your body clear your mind and connect deeply with yourself.


Lunch Time Yoga

This is a relaxing practice that will help you to regain concentration and energy for the rest of the day.


Happy Spine

Happy spine is a healthy spine, and yoga is a very good way to take make your spine stays strong. Yoga is an effective way to get rid of the pain and stiffness of the spine.


Prenatal Yoga

These are the special classes for pregnant women. If you understand some polish you can read more detailed information here JOGA W CIĄŻY, if not and you have any questions just write to us at this emial address:


Ashtanga I

In these clasess you will learn, and establish the proper practice of Ashtanga yoga first series, called 'Yoga Chikitsa' (yoga therapy), according to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois'a, as tought in the KPJAYI in Mysore, the cradle of Ashtanga Yoga. This precise sequence leads you step by step to discover the full potential at all levels - physical, energetic, psychological, intellectual and spiritual. 


Vinyasa Flow

Dynamiczne zajęcia jogi, w których łączymy oddech z ruchem. Vinyasa dodaje energii, zwiększa świadomość ciała, uczy prawidłowo oddychać. Ma wiele zalet ashtanga jogi, ale rezygnuje z jej restrykcyjnego „planu działania”. 

Dla osób, które praktykują co najmniej 4 miesięcy i znają pozycje 1 serii ashtanga jogi do navasany lub chodzili na inny rodzaj jogi i wiedzą, czym są powitania słońca, jakie są podstawowe pozycje stojące w jodze, równoważne, siedzące i przygotowania do mostka.


Ashtanga II

In these clasess you will learn, and establish the proper practice of Ashtanga yoga first series, called 'Yoga Chikitsa' (yoga therapy), according to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois'a, as tought in the KPJAYI in Mysore, the cradle of Ashtanga Yoga. This precise sequence leads you step by step to discover the full potential at all levels - physical, energetic, psychological, intellectual and spiritual. 


Ashtanga III

In these clasess you will learn, and establish the proper practice of Ashtanga yoga first series, called 'Yoga Chikitsa' (yoga therapy), according to Sri K. Pattabhi Jois'a, as tought in the KPJAYI in Mysore, the cradle of Ashtanga Yoga. This precise sequence leads you step by step to discover the full potential at all levels - physical, energetic, psychological, intellectual and spiritual. On Moondays the Ashtanga III classes do not take place.



Mysore is an indyvidual yoga practice programme tought as in the famous KPJAII in Mysore India. It is suitable for all levels, including absolute beginners. On Moondays the Mysore classes do not take place.

Stationary class schedule at Yoga Republic until the 1st of March

The classes take place at our two locations 5 minutes away from each other: new one plac Zbawiciela 2 and old one ul. Śniadeckich 18/1

Check on the schedule which class is where.

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